Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I HATE Captain Crunch

I was just watching TV, and these fucking kids really pissed me off. Okay, so these kids were learning how to be a ninja and shit from their sensei, which is pretty damn important. Their parents were probably paying half their paychecks so their kids could learn the art of being a ninja, but what do they do? They whine like little pussies!

Their sensei TOLD THEM that they can’t have a break unless they broke the wooden block in front of them. That’s something any half-wit ninja can do, but what do they do?

WAHHH!! I want my cold cereal NOW even though this training could save my life someday!!

And then who comes to RUIN EVERYTHING?!

What the fuck, Captain Crunch? Can’t you see that these kids’ parents are paying GOOD MONEY for ninja lessons? But what do you do? You just don’t give a shit, do you? DO YOU?! You just decide that $50 an hour to learn how to be a ninja is ‘not a big deal’ and you don’t hesitate to say ‘to hell with that’ and split a $3 bowl of cereal for with these kids instead of them actually getting what they came for. NINJA SKILLZ!!

So this prick takes these kids away from their lesson to eat dry cereal. Okay. After they get done sliding around on rainbows and shit and return to the dojo, the sensei wasn’t nearly as pissed as I would be. I would’ve totally fucked up that bastard Captain Crunch. No pedophile fatass sailor could stand a chance against a really pissed off dojo master. But what does he do?

Oh yeah.

Because of that bastard, the dojo master got out of teaching for god knows how long, but he was still getting paid! Thanks a lot, Captain Crunch, for letting fucking up the system, letting guys get paid for doing nothing. What kind of a message does that put out to the kids? “Look kids, you can be lazy and still get money for free!”

You’re a disgrace, Captain Crunch, an utter disgrace. FUCK YOU! I hate you and your petty ways.

Eat shit.


  1. The angle is that eating Cap'n Crunch gives you ninja skillz. It actually saves the parents money.

  2. How could it save them money? It's like $4 a box, plus the lessons!

  3. Great post but you know what also annoys me. I feel like he is obviously "captain crunch". But the cereal is called cap'n crunch and the cereals are caps. I understand it might be a weird play on words but what are they trying to pull?
